Accessories made of thin steel sheets and zinc coated profiles

Any steel structure looks solid, strong, stable. Nothing in this appearance, the process itself, would be possible without the decisive contribution of what we sometimes denominate using the word “accessories”.
În fact, it’s all about details and, most of the times, these are the ones setting the standards of quality and professionalism for the performance of any project.

Slim Line is the moment absolutely indispensable in order to design and carry out any potential work. What might be normally called “secondary support and finishing elements” in fact represent the possibility of being, the existence of the entire project, fastening together and practically stabilizing the whole assembly.

Thus, Slim Line is the “backstage”, sometimes invisible, but anytime having the role to bound and make the entire construction visible.

What is it all about in fact?

We are referring here to the various non-standard components made of steel sheets for closing the halls and other constructions, cold storage rooms, as well as sections for lighting aperture bases, boxes, window sills, U-sections, corner flashings of atypical dimensions. We have the capacities to shape steel sheets of maximum 2 mm thickness, and aluminium sheets of maximum 2.5 mm respectively, maximum length of 6000 mm. Further on, execution and delivery are done as short as possible, considering at the same time the rigour of your requirement, design, plan, sketch, or any other requirements. When receiving your request, we can also offer some technical assistance in order to customize and, respectively, optimize the project. Therefore, is goes without saying that the outcome can be nothing but the solution you expect, and the delivery shall never exceed 48 hours.

Galvanized profiles are made of high quality steel purchased from well-known suppliers, using continuous forming machines. Moreover, the ultramodern technology we use gives us the opportunity to approach the production of sections in real time, with obvious highly qualitative outcomes, as well as a significant variety of types and dimensions. This category includes support elements for walls, roofs, doors and carpentry, for the entire series of closings.